Heat Safety Tips For Your Pet

Summertime means sun, sand, and lots of outside playtime with your dog or cat. Summer is a wonderful time to spend with your pet. However, rising temperatures pose a greater risk to our pets, including more injuries, skin and ear infections, and the risk of heat stroke.

  • Consult your veterinarian about the dangers of warm weather for pets (and travel safety if you plan to travel with a pet).
  • Look for signs of shock. Collapse, 104°F+ body temperature, bloody diarrhea or vomit, depressed stupor, seizures or coma, heavy panting or trouble breathing, elevated heart rate, and salivation are some of the symptoms.
  • When your pets are outside, make sure they have limitless access to fresh water and shade.
  • Never leave your pet in the car.
  • Place water-soaked towels on the dog’s head, neck, feet, chest, and abdomen, turn on a fan and direct it toward your dog, and rub 70% Isopropyl alcohol on the dog’s foot pads to help cool him down, but don’t use too much.
  • Inquire with your veterinarian about how to spot signs of heat exhaustion.
  • Keep your pet free of parasites like fleas, ticks, and heartworm, which are more common in the summer.
  • Summer is the ideal season for barbeques, picnics, and other outdoor celebrations, the most famous of which is the Fourth of July, which has the most anticipated fireworks display. While we all like a huge brilliant boom, our pets are usually startled and flee. Furthermore, pyrotechnics contain chemicals such as potassium nitrate, which can poison your curious pet if consumed.

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