Comprehensive Auto Insurance–What Can It Cover?
Comprehensive Insurance
Comprehensive insurance is a coverage that is part of your overall auto insurance program. Comprehensive is an optional coverage that protects you for losses that are not accident related. Some people opt to remove comprehensive coverage on old vehicles. While there may be some premium savings for doing this, we hope you will consider these points before making the decision to remove comprehensive coverage from your auto policy.
Comprehensive Insurance Covers Losses that Are “Other” Than Collision
You may not have thought of these losses that are covered under comprehensive insurance:
- Fire – If your car catches fire, comprehensive coverage provides protection; this would include a defect in design.
- Animals – If your vehicle hits a deer you would be covered. If any kind of animal causes damage, comprehensive coverage would apply.
- Theft – If your car is stolen or someone breaks into your car and causes damage, comprehensive coverage would apply.
- Windshield damage is covered under comprehensive. Not only is such damage covered by your comprehensive policy, but also many companies offer the option of no-deductible coverage for glass damage specifically.
- Community riot – If your car is parked and a group of activists decide to trash your car; you would be covered under comprehensive coverage.
- Falling object – If a tree falls on your car comprehensive insurance would cover that. (This also includes baseballs, airplane parts and more).
We have the ability to customize your insurance coverage. Collision, towing, and rental car coverage are a few additional coverage’s you might consider.
Comprehensive Car Insurance Doesn’t Cover It All…But It Does Cover A Lot.
If you have any concerns about hitting an animal, theft, vandalism, or glass damage, consider adding comprehensive coverage to your car insurance policy.