Entries by Website Design Minneapolis MN

Do You Have Insurance Questions? We Have Answers.

Insurance Question We Most Often Answer As professional insurance agents, we are asked many questions regarding personal insurance.  We thought it might be good to offer answers to the most common kinds of questions we receive. “Why buy from an agent when I can go online?” When you buy insurance online, you are forced to […]

Is It Time For An Insurance Check-Up?

Your insurance needs change over time, so it is important to review your policies periodically to make sure they are up-to-date. Tragically, many people are not insured after devastating natural disasters. It’s never too late to do a homeowner’s insurance checkup before the next threat heads your way. This article highlights some important insurance coverage […]

Property Insurance… Coverage Is King!

Most every business owns business property, and may also own the building in which you run your operations. Property insurance protects the physical assets your nonprofit owns – such as computers, office equipment, buildings, furniture, fixtures, and other property. Every business should have a comprehensive property insurance portfolio to respond to the many risks associated with property ownership. […]

Is Insurance Different for Older or Historic Homes?

A Personal Insurance Update With the cost of homes increasing daily, many people are considering purchasing older or historic homes.  If you have ever owned an older home, you know the issues that come with updating and making repairs.  Restoring a historic home to its original condition can cost considerably more than expected. That is […]

Why Is Having a Home Inventory so Important?

If your home and personal property were damaged, would you be able to remember all your belongings?  Consider that you also are in a state of shock due to the loss and/or damage to your home.  It has been our experience that having a home inventory is one of the best ways to help you […]