Entries by Bob Lilly

Understanding Auto Insurance Trends in 2024

The auto insurance landscape in 2023 and 2024 has seen significant changes, influenced by various factors including rising repair costs, severe weather, and changes in driving behavior. Let’s dive into the key trends and statistics shaping the auto insurance industry this year. Surge in Auto Insurance Premiums Auto insurance premiums have been on the rise, […]

Be “Street Smart” During The Holiday Shopping Season

Don’t let criminals take the Ho Ho Ho out of your Christmas For the next few weeks, everyone will be very busy. We all have family activities, work, school, shopping, parties and football games to fill our days. Unfortunately, criminals are also busy this time of year.  So when you are shopping, make sure to […]

Navigating the Season: Winter Driving Safety Tips

As the seasons change and leaves turn vibrant hues of red and gold, it’s a reminder that fall and winter are just around the corner. While these seasons bring festive holidays and cozy nights by the fire, they also come with challenges for drivers. Rain, snow, ice, and reduced daylight can make the roads treacherous. […]

The Keys to a Business Continuation Plan

The Keys to a Business Continuation Plan Businesses face an array of challenges in today’s ever-changing world. Disasters, economic downturns, and unexpected events can threaten the very existence of a company. A well-thought-out business continuation plan is the key to ensuring the resilience and survival of your business. In this article, we will explore the […]

How To Stop Porch Pirates?

The holiday season is filled with fun, parties, food, gifts, overeating, and, unfortunately, some risk. One of the fasted growing risks for many people is stolen packages by porch pirates. More than 25 million Americans have their packages stolen right from their doorsteps by porch pirates each year, don’t be one of them. Your homeowners […]

The Importance of Business Income Insurance for Property Managers

Property management is a dynamic and lucrative industry that involves the management, maintenance, and leasing of real estate properties on behalf of owners. Whether you’re overseeing residential complexes, commercial spaces, or mixed-use properties, the success of your property management business heavily depends on consistent cash flow. Unexpected disruptions, such as natural disasters, accidents, or other […]

The Downside of Cheap Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is a critical aspect of responsible vehicle ownership. It offers financial protection in case of accidents, theft, or other unforeseen events. However, the allure of cheap auto insurance rates can sometimes overshadow the potential drawbacks that come with them. While affordable premiums might initially seem appealing, it’s essential to recognize that there are […]

Navigating Insurance Issues in the Sharing Economy

  The sharing economy has transformed industries and consumer behaviors, creating new opportunities and challenges. As individuals increasingly participate in platforms like Airbnb, Uber, and TaskRabbit, the landscape of traditional insurance has had to adapt to accommodate this evolving economic model. The integration of sharing economy services into daily life has given rise to a […]